Revised 2022
1. Classes Sessions per Academic Year
The Kathak Kala Sangam conducts training classes in various disciplines of the Indo-Trinidadian performing arts. These classes are taught on a prescribed syllabus for the respective academic year.
Classes run on a term basis; 13 weeks per term, three (3) terms per Anum with a minimum of seventy eight (13wksx2hrsx3 terms) contact hours.
Classes begin the same week when the school academic term begins and ends on the weekend following the end- of- term.
2. Training Subjects Offered
The classes are conducted in three subject areas;
(1) Vocal music (Classical, light and devotional)
(2) Percussion (Tabla and Pakhawaj)
(3) Dance (Classical and Folk dances)
Students may enrol for all of these three subject areas, but not less than 2 subjects.
3. Enrolment for Training
Enrolment for such training takes place as follows:
(i) At the beginning of the School’s academic year; September – November
(ii) A late enrolment is also accommodated at the beginning of the second term, January 1st to 31st, on a case by case basis.
(iii) In special circumstances, enrolment may be accommodated outside the normal enrolment cycle. This acceptance is subject to an application from the candidate and assessment of prior training; his/her ability to demonstrate knowledge, proficiency and readiness (tayaree) with the existing curriculum of that academic year.
This evaluation is to ensure that the new candidate does not delay the completion of the prescribed syllabus of studies for that year.
4. Fee structure
Click here for Fees
NOTE: More than one student coming from one home would be provided with a 10% discounted tuition fee. Tuition fees are subject to be adjusted, based on prevailing socio-economic considerations
5. Late fees
All fees due and owing at the end of an academic term will incur a surcharge. The surcharge for payment of a late Registration Fee is 10 % and for Term fees is 5%. This surcharge will apply to subsequent academic terms.
6. Attendance
Once registered, participants are required to attend a minimum of 75% of classes for the year (3 terms) in order to qualify for assessment and certification at an annual graduation ceremony. Absence from classes in excess of 25%, without a valid reason, may result in disqualification of the student from taking the annual examination.
7. Class Evaluation
Annual examinations are conducted at the end of the academic year in each discipline for all enrolled students. This evaluation is mandatory for determining the trainee’s suitability for promotion to and enrolment at the higher, advanced level of classes.
The evaluation is conducted as follows:
(i) Years I to year III of the Elementary Course (theory and practical) which are conducted aurally.
(ii) The Intermediate Course will comprise a combination of written and practical work.
(iii) 15% of the total marks will be awarded for, among other things, attendance, application to the course work; attitude, aptitude, focus and readiness (tayaree), during training sessions.
Persons wishing to take the exams without the required contact hours of training must submit a written request with a valid reason for their inability to meet the attendance criteria. This will be assessed on a case by case basis to determine suitability of the candidate for the evaluation process.
Successful students will be provided with certificates of achievement for the particular year of evaluation.
8. Requirement for remaining as a registered student of the teaching wing of the Sangam.
Absence for four consecutive academic terms without a valid reason, in writing, will automatically result in a registered student being struck off the student’s register. Such student will be notified in writing of this action. Such person will be required to re-apply for admission to the appropriate course of training to continue such training.
9. Requirements for Class
(i) All participants are required to wear loose-fitting clothing eg Kurta and Pajama or simple cotton, non-decorative salwār kameez or a long top with tights together with a long scarf/dupatta for draping on the body.
(ii) All participants for dance should invest in a pair of Ghunghroos (foot-bells), the largest size; 75 bells and over per feet in a single thread/strand/marling. Do not purchase the bells on coloured pads.
(iii) Students are advised to refrain from wearing excessive jewellery during class.
(iv) Writing material is required for theoretical work during class. In this regard, a copybook or notebook with pen or pencil must be provided and kept for the sole purpose of study in the chosen discipline.
(v) All participants are required to bring a towel, a snack (preferably fruit), and drinking water.
(vi) For the dance classes, each participant is required to invest in a pair of sticks 16 inches long (hard-wood broom stick cut 16 inches long); a pair of scarves, 1 yard long for dancing, separate and apart from the scarf in Clause 6 (i).
Note: The dancing bells and clothing etc are for the personal use of each participant and will be retained by each participant after the training.
10. Deportment
(i) All participants are expected to be regular in attendance and punctual to classes preferably arriving 10 minutes prior to classes in order to settle down/change and get mentally ready for the session.
(ii) He or she must exhibit reasonable standards of manners, appearance and conduct in class, in such a manner that would bring dignity and honour to the Sangam, to the Arts and to himself/herself.
(iii) During performances periods, participants are expected to collectively assist one another in preparatory activities, including backstage, functioning as a cohesive unit.
11. Use of Electronic Devices in Class
Participants are advised that they are required to have their respective mobiles and/or other electronic devices on SILENT mode and NOT IN USE during the sessions.
12. Visitors to Classes
No visitors, friends, or relations of a participant will be allowed in the classroom without the prior permission of the teacher/Guru and/or the Assistant. This permission, however, is not usually granted.
13. Social Media
(i) No audio or video recording of classes, without the expressed permission of the respective teacher is allowed.
(ii) If and when such permission is granted for recording for individual learning process, such recordings will automatically be considered the property of the Sangam and the respective teacher. Such recordings must not appear on any media (print or electronic), whether public or private such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.
(iii) Public posting of class pictures, videos etc by the participants will not be allowed, unless these shots are of a technically standard quality or reposted from the Sangam’s Social media page. This is to ensure that high quality work is promoted.
14. Student Teacher Training
All students who have completed year III and above in a subject area, will be required to teach junior classes for a period of 30 hours per anum, under supervision, as part of their on-going training. This teaching practise will prepare the student for honing their skills at both performing and later becoming teachers themselves within the academic system.
15. Public Performances
(i) While enrolled in the classes of the Kathak Kala Sangam, students are not allowed to seek stage performances, either in private or public. Permission for undertaking such performances must be obtained from the respective teachers or artistic director. Permission will however not be given for the first 2 years of training (years 1& 11) since the student is not technically ready for the public stage, and can bring dishonour to themselves and to the work and standards required both of the art form and of the Sangam.
(ii) The Sangam however undertakes annual series of public activities. Students are required to participate in these as part of their overall training, since it forms part of the evaluation of the training.
16. Valuables
During stage performances, whether public or private, no money or other valuables should be brought to the dressing room area during rehearsals and on performance days. Any valuables (money, keys, identification and credit cards) brought must be safeguarded by the artist. The Sangam’s management will not be responsible for loss or damage of any such personal belongings.
17. Music use
The music used - other than that which is in the public domain or obtainable publicly - in any composition or performance of the Sangam or belonging to its artistic director, shall not be used by any performer for their private purposes or performances. This is to allow for exclusivity of the works of either the Sangam or Dr Balkaransingh (where such music belongs to him)
18. Special Offer of ‘Freeship’
For further information, please contact the Student Representative.
Welcome to the Kathak Kala Sangam’s academic section and to the exciting world of the performing arts in its myriad colours and dimensions. Do enjoy your training and help to promote our heritage and traditions.
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